Citizens United for Renewable Energy and Sustainability


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cures declaration

list of signatories

  1. Action for Food Production (AFPRO), India
  2. African Energy Policy Research Network (AFREPREN), Kenya
  3. African Health and Development Organisation, South Africa
  4. AID/WATCH, Australia
  5. Albertine Rift Conservation Society, Uganda
  6. ALFA Agenda 21, Romania
  7. Alternative Energy Project for Sustainability, Thailand
  8. Anjos do Tempo, Brazil
  9. Anti Mangla Dam Extension Action Committee Britain (AMDEACB), Great Britain
  10. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Regenwald und Artenschutz, Germany
  11. Armenian Nature Protectors Union, Armenia
  12. Armenian Women Health and Healthy Environment, Armenia
  13. Artefact - International Centre for Sustainable Development, Germany
  14. Associação de Preservação e Equilíbrio do Meio Ambiente de Santa Catarina, Brazil
  15. Associação Ecológico Carijós -São Francisco do Sul, Brazil
  16. Association for International Water and Forest Studies (FIVAS), Norway
  17. Association for Sustainable Human Development, Armenia
  18. Association for the Integration of Technology and Organisms, Germany
  19. Association for useful activities Ecomission 21st century, Bulgaria
  20. Association of Environmental Citizens Initiative (BBU), Germany
  21. "Atgaja" Community, Lithuania
  22. ATOMSTOPP International - WISE, Austria
  23. Auroville Renewable Energy, India
  24. Baltic Fisherman Federation, Russia
  25. BanglaPraxis, Bangladesh
  26. Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation, Canada
  27. Beratungs- und Transfer Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (BERTA), Germany
  28. Bert Rigall Environmental Foundation, Canada
  29. Biom, Kirgistan
  30. Biomasse in Pankow, Germany
  31. Bios, Moldavia
  32. Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen, Belgium
  33. Both Ends, the Netherlands
  34. British Columbia Sustainable Energy Association, Canada
  35. Bund der Energieverbraucher, Germany
  36. Burg - Youth Environment Center, Armenia
  37. Catalan Agreement for a Clean and Renewable Energy, Spain
  38. Catholic Rural Youth Movement (KLJB), Germany
  39. CareCreation KG, Germany
  40. Censat Agua Viva, Colombia
  41. Center for Assistance to Environmental Initiatives, Russia
  42. Center for Environmental Public Advocacy, Slovakia
  43. Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia, Georgia
  44. Central and Eastern Europe Bankwatch Network
  45. Centre de Formation, Etudes et Recherches pour le Développment (CFERD), Congo
  46. Centre for Environment and Energy Research & Studies, Iran
  47. Centre for Environmental Information and Education, Bulgaria
  48. Centre for Rural Technology, Nepal (CRT/N)
  49. Centre for Science and Environment, India
  50. Centro de Estudios Uruguayo de Technologias apropiadas, Uruguay
  51. Child Camp, Armenia
  52. Children of the Baltic, Russia
  53. Chile Sustainable, Chile
  54. Church Development Service of the Protestant Churches, Germany
  55. Citizens' Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth (CASA), Japan
  56. Clean Energy Coalition, Russia
  57. Climate Action Network Central and Eastern Europe
  58. Climate Action Network, Europe
  59. Climate and Development Initiatives (CDI), Uganda
  60. Climate Change Connection, Canada
  61. Climate Mitigation Services, USA
  62. Consumer Association, Germany
  63. Council for Development, Environmental Studies and Conservation, Mauritius
  64. Crude Country Biofuels Inc., Canada
  65. David Suzuki Foundation, Canada
  66. Earth Friends, Romania
  67. Earthlife Africa, South Africa
  68. Earthlife, Namibia
  69. Eco Programs, Tanzania
  70. Eco-Accord Centre on Environmental Problems Solution, Russia
  71. EcoCenter, Kazakhstan
  72. Eco Conscious Developments (ECODEV), Nigeria
  73. Ecocity, South Africa
  74. Ecoclub, Ucraina
  75. Eco-Globe, Armenia
  76. Ecologistas en Accion, Spain
  77. Economists Union of Georgia - Economy for Society, Georgia
  78. ecoPerth, Canada
  79. Ecosouthwest, Bulgaria
  80. Ecoteam, Armenia
  81. Ekoil - Scientific-Environmental Society, Slovakia
  82. Energia - International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy, Netherlands
  83. Energy Club, Hungary
  84. Energy Efficiency Centre, Georgia
  85. Energy Working Group of the Brazilian Forum of NGOs and Social, Brazil
  86. Environmental Development Action in the Third World (ENDA), Senegal
  87. Environmental Justice Networking Forum, South Africa
  88. Environmental NGO Viola, Russia
  89. Environmental NGOs Lobby Group, Uganda
  90. EU Enlargement Watch, Great Britain
  91. EURONATURA, Centre for Environmental Law and Sustainable Development, Portugal
  92. European Rivers Network (ERN), France
  93. Evergreen Foundation, Canada
  94. FASE, Brazil
  95. Fatlhogang, South Africa
  96. Flemish Firest Organisation, Belgium
  97. Focus association for sustainable development, Slovenia
  98. For the Earth, Bulgaria
  99. Fórum Brasileiro de ONGs e Movimentos Sociais para o Meio, Brazil
  100. Foundation HELP, Tanzania
  101. Foundation One World - One Future, Germany
  102. Friends of Grand River/MistaShipu, Canada
  103. Friends of the Earth Youth, Germany
  104. Friends of the Earth, Argentinien
  105. Friends of the Earth, Brazil
  106. Friends of the Earth, Canada
  107. Friends of the Earth, Czech Republic
  108. Friends of the Earth, Europe
  109. Friends of the Earth, France
  110. Friends of the Earth, Germany
  111. Friends of the Earth, International
  112. Friends of the Earth, Japan
  113. Friends of the Earth, Middle East
  114. Friends of the Earth, Slowakia
  115. Friends of the Earth, USA
  116. Friends of the Earth/ GLOBAL 2000, Austria
  117. Friends of the Earth/ NM Ecoglasnost, Bulgaria
  118. Friends of the Oldman River, Canada
  119. Fundación Ecológica Bacatá, Colombia
  120. Fundación Nicaraguense para la Promoción y Desarrollo de Tecnologías Aleternativas in León (FUNPROTECA), Nicaragua
  121. Fundatia pentru Parteneriat, Romania
  122. Gariep and van der Kloof Dams Community Water and Environmental Networking (GAVADWEN), South Africa
  123. German Association for Solar Energy, Germany
  124. German Environmental Aid Foundation, Germany
  125. German League for Nature and Environment (DNR), Germany
  126. German NGO Forum on Environment and Development, Germany
  127. German Society for Nature Conservation (NABU), Germany
  128. German Society for Solar Energy, Germany
  129. German-Tanzanian Partnership, Germany
  130. Germanwatch, Germany
  131. Global Nature Fund, Germany
  132. Global Peace Campaign, Japan
  133. Gökova - Akyaka'yi Sevenler Dernegi, Turkey
  134. GRACE Policy Institute, USA
  135. Gram Vikas, India
  136. Green Action Association, Hungary
  137. Green Alternative, Georgia
  138. Green Clippings, South Africa
  139. Green Energy Law Network, Japan
  140. Green Network, South Africa
  141. Greenpeace International
  142. Grian, Ireland
  143. Group de recherche pour l Environnement et le Developpement Urbain et Rural (GREDUR), Marocco
  144. Grüne Liga, Germany
  145. Hamburg Climate Protection Fund, Germany
  146. Heinrich Boell Foundation, Germany
  147. Helio International Sustainable Energy Watch, France
  148. Human Renaissance Association, Japan
  149. InfoEcoclub, Bulgarien
  150. Inforse International
  151. Institut für Kirche und Gesellschaft - Ev. Kirche von Westfalen, Germany
  152. Institute for Applied Ecology, Germany
  153. Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, Japan
  154. Institute of Humanity and Environment for Sustainable Community
  155. Institute Scientifique, Department de Zoologie et Ecologie animale, Morocco
  156. Instituto Socioambiental Árvore, Brazil
  157. Integrated Sustainable Energy & Ecological Development Association (INSEDA), India
  158. International Center for Energy, Environment & Development (ICEED), Nigeria
  159. International Energy Brigades Network, Central and Eastern Europe
  160. International Friends of Nature, Austria
  161. International Institute for Energy Conservation
  162. International Network for Sustainable Energy
  163. International Rivers Network
  164. International Scientific-Research Centre on Water, Climatic and Recreational Resources, Armenia
  165. IT Power India, India
  166. Jagrata Juba Shangha, Bangladesh
  167. Kabang Kalikasan Ng Pilipinas Foundation, Philippines
  168. Kiko Network, Japan
  169. Klima-Bündnis Agentur Nord, Germany
  170. Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Agenda 21 NRW, Germany
  171. Legambiente, Italy
  172. Letavitsa, Ukraine
  173. LIFE - FrauenUmweltNetz, Germany
  174. LOKOJ,Bangladesh
  175. Malta Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies association (M.E.E.R.E.A.), Malta
  176. MED Forum, Mediterranean NGO Network, Spain
  177. Midorinogakkou, Japan
  178. Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy, USA
  179. Mola Solaire International, Germany
  180. National Ecological Centre, Ukraine
  181. National Union of Metalworkers, South Africa
  182. Natural Resources Defense Council, USA
  183. Naturfreunde, Germany
  184. NGO Working Group on Export Development Canada - A WorkingGroup of the Halifax Initiative Coalition, Canada
  185. NPO Rainbow, Japan
  186. Nuclear Information and Resource Service, USA
  187. One Sky - The Canadian Institute of Sustainable Living, Canada
  188. One World- One Future Foundation, Germany
  189. Ontario Public Interest Research Group - Carleton, Canada
  190. OroVerde, Germany
  191. Osienala - Friends of Lake Victoria, Kenya
  192. Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (Pelum), Lesotho
  193. Peace Energy, A Renewable Energy Cooperative, Canada
  194. Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development, Canada
  195. Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement, Philippines
  196. Philippine Solar Energy Society, Philippines
  197. Plattform gegen Atomgefahr, Austria
  198. Proactiva, Macedonia
  199. Programa Argentina Sustentable, Argentina
  200. Programa Uruguay Sustentable, Uruguay
  201. Project Ploughshares Saskatoon, Canada
  202. Projeto Brasil Sustentável e Democrático, Brazil
  203. Proyecto Gato, Belgium
  204. Red Nacional de Accion Ecologica, Chile
  205. Red Uruguaya de ONGs Ambientalistas, Uruguay
  206. Reform of the World Bank Campaign, Italy
  207. Renewable Energy Agency, Ukraine
  208. Renewable Energy Association, Swaziland
  209. Réseau national d'Information et de Communication sur les Energies Domestiques (RICED), Burkina Faso
  210. Rios Vivos Coalition, Brazil
  211. Rural Development Media Communication, Uganda
  212. Sable du Danay, France
  213. Saskatchewan Environmental Society, Canada
  214. Schweizerische Energie-Stiftung, Switzerland
  215. Shoher Union, Armenia
  216. Shoher Union, Armenia
  217. Sibol ng Agham at Teknolohiya, Philippines
  218. Sindicato dos Eletricitários do Ceará, Brazil
  219. Small and Medium Enterprise Cambodia, Cambodia
  220. Society for the Promotion of Renewable Energies, Germany
  221. Society for the Protection of Wildlife, Yemen
  222. Society for Water and Public Health Protection (SWAPHEP), Nigeria
  223. Society of High Prairie Regional Environmental Action Comittee, Canada
  224. Socotra Conservation Fund, Yemen
  225. SOLJUSPAX, Phillippines
  226. Speranta Sf. Stefan Foundation, Romania
  227. Sun Valley Association, Romania
  228. Sustainable Development through Renewable Energies in Tanzania, (SUDERETA), Tanzania
  229. Sustainable Energy Africa, South Africa
  230. Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Partnership, South Africa
  231. Sustainable South Cone Programe, Brazil, Argentinien, Bolivia
  232. Swiss-Energy-Foundation, Switzerland
  233. Tanzania Greenhouse Gas Action Trust (TAGGAT), Tanzania
  234. Tanzania Traditional Energy Development and Environment Organisation, Tanzania
  235. TERRA Mileniul III, Romania
  236. The Asian Alliance of Appropriate Technology Practitioners, Inc. (APPROTECH ASIA), Philippines
  237. The Bellona Foundation, Russia
  238. The Flemish Forest Organisation, Belgium
  239. The Genesis Foundation (GEFO), Tanzania
  240. The Greenhouse People's Environmental Centre Project, South Africa
  241. The Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment, Netherlands
  242. The savings and credit co-operative Union League of Tanzania (SCCULT), Tanzania
  243. The Southern Health and Ecology Institute, Programme Development, Restoration Africa Project, Gauteng, South Africa
  244. The Third Signatory, Canada
  245. Transnational Institute (TNI), Netherlands
  246. Tunisian Association on Climate Change and Sustainable Development (2C2D), Tunisia
  247. Uganda Environmental Education Foundation, Uganda
  248. Ukrainian American Environmental Association, USA
  249. University of the Philippines Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Philippines
  250. University of the Philippines Engineering Research and Development, Philippines
  251. Urgewald, Germany
  252. Vitae Civilis Institute for Development, Environment and Peace, Brazil
  253. vzw Mbuji Mayi, Belgium
  254. Women for Peace, Germany, France
  255. Women Printmakers of Austin (WPA), USA
  256. World Information Service on Energy (WISE), Netherlands
  257. World Wide Fund for Nature, International
  258. World Wind Energy Association
  259. Yem Biom, Kirgistan
  260. Youth Employment Summit - Azerbaijan Country Network, Azerbaijan
  261. Youth for Intergenerational Justice and Sustainability (YOIS), Germany
  262. Za Zemiata (For the Earth), Bulgaria
  263. Zentrum Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau (EKHN), Germany
  264. ZERO Regional Environment Organisation, Zimbabwe
  265. Zonnewater B. V., The Netherlands Solar Thermal Inventions, Netherlands

© Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung
last updated: 09.05.2007