list of signatories
- Action for Food Production (AFPRO),
- African Energy Policy
Research Network (AFREPREN), Kenya
- African
Health and Development Organisation, South Africa
- AID/WATCH, Australia
- Albertine
Rift Conservation Society, Uganda
- ALFA Agenda 21, Romania
- Alternative Energy Project for Sustainability, Thailand
- Anjos do Tempo, Brazil
- Anti Mangla Dam Extension Action Committee Britain (AMDEACB),
Great Britain
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Regenwald
und Artenschutz, Germany
- Armenian Nature Protectors Union,
- Armenian Women Health and Healthy
Environment, Armenia
- Artefact - International
Centre for Sustainable Development, Germany
- Associação de Preservação e Equilíbrio do Meio Ambiente de Santa
Catarina, Brazil
- Associação Ecológico Carijós -São Francisco do Sul, Brazil
- Association for International
Water and Forest Studies (FIVAS), Norway
- Association for Sustainable
Human Development, Armenia
- Association for the Integration of Technology and Organisms,
- Association for useful activities Ecomission 21st century, Bulgaria
- Association of Environmental
Citizens Initiative (BBU), Germany
- "Atgaja"
Community, Lithuania
- ATOMSTOPP International -
WISE, Austria
- Auroville Renewable Energy, India
- Baltic Fisherman Federation, Russia
- BanglaPraxis, Bangladesh
- Barnard-Boecker
Centre Foundation, Canada
- Beratungs- und Transfer
Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
(BERTA), Germany
- Bert Rigall Environmental Foundation, Canada
- Biom, Kirgistan
- Biomasse in Pankow,
- Bios, Moldavia
- Bond Beter Leefmilieu
Vlaanderen, Belgium
- Both Ends, the Netherlands
- British Columbia
Sustainable Energy Association, Canada
- Bund der Energieverbraucher,
- Burg - Youth
Environment Center, Armenia
- Catalan Agreement for a Clean and Renewable Energy, Spain
- Catholic Rural Youth Movement
(KLJB), Germany
- CareCreation
KG, Germany
- Censat Agua Viva, Colombia
- Center for Assistance to Environmental Initiatives, Russia
- Center for Environmental Public
Advocacy, Slovakia
- Center for Strategic Research
and Development of Georgia, Georgia
- Central and Eastern Europe
Bankwatch Network
- Centre de Formation, Etudes et Recherches pour le Développment
(CFERD), Congo
- Centre for Environment and Energy Research & Studies, Iran
- Centre
for Environmental Information and Education, Bulgaria
- Centre for
Rural Technology, Nepal (CRT/N)
- Centre for Science and Environment,
- Centro de Estudios Uruguayo
de Technologias apropiadas, Uruguay
- Child Camp, Armenia
- Children of
the Baltic, Russia
- Chile Sustainable,
- Church Development Service of the
Protestant Churches, Germany
- Citizens' Alliance
for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth (CASA), Japan
- Clean Energy Coalition, Russia
- Climate Action Network Central
and Eastern Europe
- Climate Action Network,
- Climate and Development
Initiatives (CDI), Uganda
- Climate Change
Connection, Canada
- Climate Mitigation Services, USA
- Consumer Association,
- Council
for Development, Environmental Studies and Conservation, Mauritius
- Crude Country Biofuels Inc., Canada
- David Suzuki Foundation,
- Earth
Friends, Romania
- Earthlife
Africa, South Africa
- Earthlife, Namibia
- Eco Programs, Tanzania
- Eco-Accord Centre on Environmental Problems Solution, Russia
- EcoCenter, Kazakhstan
- Eco
Conscious Developments (ECODEV), Nigeria
- Ecocity, South Africa
- Ecoclub,
- Eco-Globe,
- Ecologistas
en Accion, Spain
- Economists Union of Georgia
- Economy for Society, Georgia
- ecoPerth, Canada
- Ecosouthwest, Bulgaria
- Ecoteam, Armenia
- Ekoil - Scientific-Environmental Society, Slovakia
- Energia - International Network
on Gender and Sustainable Energy, Netherlands
- Energy
Club, Hungary
- Energy Efficiency Centre,
- Energy Working Group of the Brazilian Forum of NGOs and Social,
- Environmental Development Action
in the Third World (ENDA), Senegal
- Environmental
Justice Networking Forum, South Africa
- Environmental
NGO Viola, Russia
- Environmental NGOs Lobby Group, Uganda
- EU Enlargement Watch,
Great Britain
- EURONATURA, Centre for Environmental
Law and Sustainable Development, Portugal
- European Rivers
Network (ERN), France
- Evergreen Foundation,
- FASE, Brazil
- Fatlhogang, South Africa
- Flemish Firest Organisation,
- Focus association for sustainable development, Slovenia
- For the Earth, Bulgaria
- Fórum Brasileiro de ONGs
e Movimentos Sociais para o Meio, Brazil
- Foundation HELP, Tanzania
- Foundation One World
- One Future, Germany
- Friends of Grand
River/MistaShipu, Canada
- Friends of the Earth Youth,
- Friends
of the Earth, Argentinien
- Friends of the Earth,
- Friends of the Earth,
- Friends of the Earth,
Czech Republic
- Friends of the Earth,
- Friends
of the Earth, France
- Friends of the Earth, Germany
- Friends of the Earth, International
- Friends of the Earth,
- Friends of the Earth, Middle
- Friends of the Earth, Slowakia
- Friends of the Earth, USA
- Friends of the
Earth/ GLOBAL 2000, Austria
- Friends of the Earth/ NM Ecoglasnost, Bulgaria
- Friends of the Oldman River, Canada
- Fundación Ecológica Bacatá, Colombia
- Fundación Nicaraguense para la Promoción y Desarrollo de Tecnologías
Aleternativas in León (FUNPROTECA), Nicaragua
- Fundatia pentru Parteneriat,
- Gariep and van der Kloof Dams Community Water and Environmental
Networking (GAVADWEN), South Africa
- German Association for Solar Energy,
- German Environmental Aid Foundation,
- German League for Nature and Environment
(DNR), Germany
- German NGO Forum on Environment
and Development, Germany
- German Society for Nature Conservation
(NABU), Germany
- German Society for Solar Energy,
- German-Tanzanian Partnership,
- Germanwatch,
- Global Nature Fund,
- Global
Peace Campaign, Japan
- Gökova - Akyaka'yi Sevenler
Dernegi, Turkey
Policy Institute, USA
- Gram Vikas, India
- Green Action Association, Hungary
- Green Alternative,
- Green Clippings,
South Africa
- Green Energy Law Network,
- Green Network,
South Africa
- Greenpeace
- Grian, Ireland
- Group de recherche pour l Environnement et le Developpement
Urbain et Rural (GREDUR), Marocco
- Grüne Liga, Germany
- Hamburg Climate Protection
Fund, Germany
- Heinrich Boell Foundation,
- Helio International
Sustainable Energy Watch, France
- Human Renaissance Association, Japan
- InfoEcoclub, Bulgarien
- Inforse International
- Institut für
Kirche und Gesellschaft - Ev. Kirche von Westfalen, Germany
- Institute for Applied Ecology,
- Institute for Sustainable Energy
Policies, Japan
- Institute of Humanity and Environment for Sustainable Community
- Institute Scientifique, Department de Zoologie et Ecologie animale,
- Instituto
Socioambiental Árvore, Brazil
- Integrated Sustainable Energy & Ecological Development Association
(INSEDA), India
- International
Center for Energy, Environment & Development (ICEED),
- International
Energy Brigades Network, Central and Eastern Europe
- International Friends of Nature,
- International Institute for Energy
- International Network for
Sustainable Energy
- International Rivers Network
- International
Scientific-Research Centre on Water, Climatic and Recreational
Resources, Armenia
- IT Power India, India
- Jagrata Juba Shangha, Bangladesh
- Kabang Kalikasan Ng Pilipinas
Foundation, Philippines
- Kiko
Network, Japan
- Klima-Bündnis
Agentur Nord, Germany
- Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Agenda
21 NRW, Germany
- Legambiente,
- Letavitsa, Ukraine
- LIFE - FrauenUmweltNetz,
- LOKOJ,Bangladesh
- Malta Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energies association (M.E.E.R.E.A.),
- MED Forum, Mediterranean
NGO Network, Spain
- Midorinogakkou, Japan
- Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient
Economy, USA
- Mola Solaire
International, Germany
- National Ecological Centre, Ukraine
- National Union of Metalworkers,
South Africa
- Natural Resources Defense Council,
- Naturfreunde, Germany
- NGO Working Group
on Export Development Canada - A WorkingGroup of the Halifax Initiative
Coalition, Canada
- NPO Rainbow, Japan
- Nuclear Information and Resource
Service, USA
- One Sky - The Canadian Institute
of Sustainable Living, Canada
- One World- One Future
Foundation, Germany
- Ontario Public Interest
Research Group - Carleton, Canada
- OroVerde,
- Osienala - Friends of Lake
Victoria, Kenya
- Participatory
Ecological Land Use Management (Pelum), Lesotho
- Peace Energy, A Renewable
Energy Cooperative, Canada
- Pembina Institute for Appropriate
Development, Canada
- Philippine Rural Reconstruction
Movement, Philippines
- Philippine Solar Energy Society, Philippines
- Plattform gegen
Atomgefahr, Austria
- Proactiva, Macedonia
- Programa Argentina
Sustentable, Argentina
- Programa Uruguay
Sustentable, Uruguay
- Project Ploughshares Saskatoon,
- Projeto
Brasil Sustentável e Democrático, Brazil
- Proyecto Gato, Belgium
- Red Nacional de Accion Ecologica,
- Red Uruguaya
de ONGs Ambientalistas, Uruguay
- Reform of the World
Bank Campaign, Italy
- Renewable Energy Agency,
- Renewable Energy Association,
- Réseau national d'Information et de Communication sur les Energies
Domestiques (RICED), Burkina Faso
- Rios Vivos
Coalition, Brazil
- Rural Development Media Communication, Uganda
- Sable du Danay, France
- Saskatchewan Environmental
Society, Canada
- Schweizerische Energie-Stiftung,
- Shoher Union, Armenia
- Shoher Union, Armenia
- Sibol ng
Agham at Teknolohiya, Philippines
- Sindicato dos Eletricitários do Ceará, Brazil
- Small and Medium Enterprise
Cambodia, Cambodia
- Society for the Promotion of
Renewable Energies, Germany
- Society for the Protection of Wildlife, Yemen
- Society for Water
and Public Health Protection (SWAPHEP), Nigeria
- Society of High Prairie Regional Environmental Action Comittee,
- Socotra
Conservation Fund, Yemen
- SOLJUSPAX, Phillippines
- Speranta Sf. Stefan Foundation, Romania
- Sun Valley Association,
- Sustainable Development through Renewable Energies in Tanzania,
(SUDERETA), Tanzania
- Sustainable Energy
Africa, South Africa
- Sustainable
Energy and Climate Change Partnership, South Africa
- Sustainable South Cone Programe, Brazil, Argentinien, Bolivia
- Swiss-Energy-Foundation,
- Tanzania Greenhouse Gas Action
Trust (TAGGAT), Tanzania
- Tanzania Traditional Energy
Development and Environment Organisation, Tanzania
- TERRA Mileniul III, Romania
- The Asian Alliance of Appropriate
Technology Practitioners, Inc. (APPROTECH ASIA), Philippines
- The Bellona Foundation,
- The Flemish Forest Organisation,
- The Genesis Foundation (GEFO), Tanzania
- The
Greenhouse People's Environmental Centre Project, South Africa
- The Netherlands Society
for Nature and Environment, Netherlands
- The savings and
credit co-operative Union League of Tanzania (SCCULT), Tanzania
- The Southern Health and Ecology Institute, Programme Development,
Restoration Africa Project, Gauteng, South Africa
- The Third Signatory, Canada
- Transnational Institute (TNI),
- Tunisian Association on Climate Change and Sustainable Development
(2C2D), Tunisia
- Uganda
Environmental Education Foundation, Uganda
- Ukrainian American Environmental Association, USA
- University of the Philippines
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Philippines
- University of the Philippines Engineering Research and Development,
- Urgewald, Germany
- Vitae Civilis Institute
for Development, Environment and Peace, Brazil
- vzw Mbuji Mayi, Belgium
- Women for Peace, Germany,
- Women Printmakers
of Austin (WPA), USA
- World Information Service
on Energy (WISE), Netherlands
- World Wide Fund for Nature,
- World Wind Energy Association
- Yem
Biom, Kirgistan
- Youth
Employment Summit - Azerbaijan Country Network, Azerbaijan
- Youth for Intergenerational Justice
and Sustainability (YOIS), Germany
- Za Zemiata (For
the Earth), Bulgaria
- Zentrum Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung
der Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau (EKHN), Germany
- ZERO Regional Environment Organisation,
- Zonnewater B. V., The Netherlands
Solar Thermal Inventions, Netherlands